Upcoming Events

List of Upcoming Events:

Root Chakra FREE Group Healing, TBA

Sacral Chakra FREE Group Healing, TBA

Solar Plexus Chakra FREE Group Healing, TBA

Heart Chakra FREE Group Healing, TBA

Throat Chakra FREE Group Healing, TBA

Third Eye Chakra FREE Chakra Group Healing, TBA

Crown Chakra FREE Group Healing, TBA

Soul Star FREE Group Healing, TBA

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Past Events

Earth Star Free Group Healing

Join me for this special, FREE healing event in my unique, Signature Healing style:  Hagalaz Healing™!

Every Journey has to start somewhere, and in the Hagalaz Healing™ Journey we start at the beginning of all things with your Earth Star Chakra!

🌟 The Earth Star Chakra connects you to the very Spirit of the Earth, Gaia.

Its energy is the South Pole of your electromagnetic field, and as such its focus is to help drive you towards your soul purpose in this life. 🧭


🙃 When we are out of balance, its energy is weaker and it will do what it can to drive you towards balance, so that it can be made stronger and drive you to your purpose.

In the Hagalaz Healing™ Journey, I use the Earth Star session as an integration and exploration session before we begin the deeper healing. 🌄 My Runic Healing is new to this Age, so we start lightly with that in this session as to not overwhelm you, and we focus more on the Guided Journey aspect.

The Guided Journey comes in two parts:

1️⃣ First we'll travel to the World Tree, Yggdrasil, and meet the great squirrel Ratatoskr to see if he has any special messages for you.

2️⃣ As we leave Ratatoskr and Yggdrasil behind, we'll take a Quantum leap through your past, in search of forgotten or repressed trauma that need healing.  And then we'll retreat to our "Happy Healing Spaces"™ to ground our energies and release all save that which serves us in the name of our highest good!

✍️ Every Session also includes some education! So before we begin, there will be a short presentation to teach you more about Ratatoskr, Yggdrasil and the Runes/Runa that will be involved in this evening's work and more detail on what you can expect through the Guided Journey & Healing than what has been mentioned here!


💻 This event will be held online through Zoom at 8 PM Eastern Standard Time. Please sign up using the form below with your email below so that the link to the event may be sent to you before hand!


👋 After a short introduction about me, we'll go into the short presentation with the expectation of starting the actual Healing Journey portion of the event no later than 8:20 pm.  At which time, no further admittance will be made for the session. 


All registrants will get access to a full, private replay of the event.  A shorter, edited, public version of the event will be made available to the general public on YouTube afterwards.